Xref – with oakland studio

Product overview video created with Oakland Studio.

Recruit, retain and remember your people.

That’s what Xref can do for you. Xref is an automated online reference-checking software that helps verify every aspect of a candidate and speeds up the hiring process. Together with Oakland Studio, we created an animation that gives a clear product overview of what Xref stands for.

A breeze

Oakland Studio set the stage with a solid brief. With a detailed storyboard, a strict color palette, and clear design preferences, the design process was a breeze. Based on their storyboard, style frames and an animatic were created. After this it was time to created square eyes with lots of After Effects screen time.

Studio Make completed the project with crisp sounddesign and mastering. Almost finished! But … A last-minute tweak to the final shot briefly shook things up. A few calls, a few tweaks and a few new options down the line we wrapped things up beautifully.



Oakland Studio

Sergio Gradyuk, Brodie Pointon

Sergio Gradyuk, Brodie Pointon

Daan Snels

Motion Design
Daan Snels

Voice Over

Sounddesign, mixage & mastering
Studio Make